Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B Every Wednesday 4-6pm ET AND Thursdays 7-9pm ET
 I connect the Micro abuses, dysfunctions of the "family", "community", that has BEEN the Scaled down version of the Macro Corruption for Decades. The fact is, if people REALLY wanted change they would have DINE it Decades ago!
 The "family, community" has been doing the BIDDING of, been INFILTRATED By the Corporate USrael Gov because they didn't STAY diligent and Exercise for at least 100 years.
 With First time guest, whistle-blower, military dissenter, YELLED at Congress that they DESERVED, Josephine Guilbeau.
17 yr Army veteran, mother, Human. A GENOCIDE is currently happening in Gaza. WAKE UP!
Sara Flounders, of UNAC- United National Anti-War Coalition
Co- Coordinator of the International War Action Center & contributing editor of The Workers World Newspaper, Socialist, speaks to US imposed Sanctions, Police but TODAY is speaking about the Groups being Labeled "terrorist" HTS, ISIS, Al Qaeda who USrael has been funding and having a relationship with since BEFORE 9/11.